
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Patrolman S.F. Cates Injured But He Gets His Man, April 22, 1924

Officer Injured Chasing Hoboes. . . Officer S.F. Cates Painfully Wounded Saturday But Now Back on Job

While engaged in running down two negro hoboes late Saturday evening, Patrolman S.F. Cates of the police department suffered a fractured knee and painful injuries about the forehead. Monday he was again in uniform, but he is still suffering from the effects of his fall.

Together with Constable A.M. Maddry, Officer Cates set out on a raid Saturday night. While going east on Pettigrew street the two officers saw two hoboes riding an east-bound freight. Changing their plans, the two men made up their minds to pick up the two hoboes. The constable’s car trailed the freight until the train neared east Durham. then, as the police car drew abreast of the car on which the hoboes were riding, Patrolman Cates, crouched on the running board, made ready to leap for his two men. He was so engrossed in watching the two negroes, however, that he miscalculated the speed of the automobile. His leap fell short of its mark, and he fell with full force. The police car was not going over 30 miles an hour at the time, however, it was stated.

Though injured, Officer Cates got his men. Fellow officers say he has a way of doing this, come what may.

The two negroes were fined $5 and the costs each before Magistrate E.O. Riley.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, April 22, 1924

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