
Sunday, April 28, 2024

Recent Brides Honored; Engagement Announced, April 28, 1924

Mrs. W.O. Jenkins Entertains Honoring Two Recent Brides. . . Mrs. J.W. Chandler and Mrs. Julian C. Marley Honored at Most Enjoyable Party. . . Engagement Also Announced

The most largely attended social occurrence of the spring season and one of exceptional beauty and charm was the party given last Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Jenkins when they entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chandler and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Carr Marley, and at the same time announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Mary Wilson to Mr. James Darlington of Winston-Salem.

A wealth of lovely flowers artistically arranged in the reception rooms and with the shades lights made a wonderful setting for the affair. Pink Killarney roses and purple lilacs being used in the hall with tulips, narcissus, apple blossoms, carnations, Easter lilies and huge baskets of lilacs and dogwood blossoms being used over the entire lower floor of the home.

Receiving at the front were Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. Marley, Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. Chandler and Miss Mary Wilson.

Mrs. John B. Ray directed the guests to the rear hall, where Miss Kathleen Ivie received and also directed to the cloak room.

Nine tables had been arranged for “Progressive Hearts” and the guests found their places by means of attractive place cards.

After several progressions, Mrs. Thomas Jones received a pretty linen handkerchief and Dr. Hickerson a silk pongee handkerchief for scoring highest. To Mrs. s.L. Godlen fell the boobie, among the ladies, yellow candles, while Dr. S. Lee Martin Jr. received an old-time sun shade.

The two recent brides, Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Marley, were given hand-painted candy jars and the two grooms linen handkerchiefs. To Miss Wilson was presented a lovely piece of silk lingerie.

Tucked away in Mrs. Chandler’s prize was an envelope containing “A Message from Cupid” bearing an appropriate verse which told the tale of this happy couple. After congratulations for the bride-to-be, Mrs. Jenkins passed around dainty marshmallow dolls dressed in bright spring colored costumes holding a Western Union messenger boy bearing a telegram with the date, May 26, 1924. to the men were given packages of Chesterfield cigarettes wrapped as lollypops.

Mrs. Jenkins assisted by Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. C.J. Darlington, Mrs. John B. Ray and Miss Kathleen Ivie served block ice cream, deviled food cake, followed by ice tea, sandwiches and chocolate almonds.

From the front page of the Tri-City Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Monday, April 28, 1924

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