
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Bootlegger Accepts Ride from Wrong Man, May 10, 1924

Stranger Aroused the Marshal’s Suspicions

By the Associated Press

Asheville, N.C., May 10—Fate played a part in the results of a stranger’s day of work near here when deputy U.S. Marshal Carter was riding along the road and offered the stranger a ride. The stranger accepted but insisted upon riding in the rear seat despite the urgent invitation of Marshal Carter for him to sit on the front seat.

This action, augmented by several whiffs of corn whiskey, aroused the marshal’s suspicion and when within a few miles of town he told the man to leave the car then as he (Carter) was going to stop at his home. Before the man left, he was searched and found to be carrying three bottles of whiskey. Mr. Carter did not stop at his home but brought the man to this city where he is now in jail pending trial.

From the front page of the Concord Tribune, May 10, 1924

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