
Monday, May 13, 2024

Confederate Memorial Day in Oxford, May 13, 1924

Memorial Day Was Fittingly Observed Here. . . Hon. A.W. McLean Paid Tribute to the Memory of Gen. Lee

Memorial Day, as observed here last Saturday under the auspices of the local Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, was all that it was intended to be. The reverence paid to the memory of the departed heroes, and to those who still survive, has lost none of the sympathy and tenderness of former years.

The invocation by Rev. J.D. Harte, the words of welcome by Mr. B.W. Parham, a historical paper by Hon. A.A. Hicks, and the patriotic songs were the backgrounds of an inspiring speech by Hon. A.W. McLean, orator of the day, who was introduced by Mayor T.G. Stem to the vast audience that crowded into the High School Auditorium.

McLean Speaks

In deference to the wishes of the Daughters of the Confederacy and the sacredness of the occasion, Hon. A.W. McLean confined his remarks to Gen. Robert E. Lee. As he spoke of the military and civil life of Lee, appraising him as one of the immortals, tears gathered in the eyes of the little band of old heroes who sat immediately in front of the speakers stand. He told of the peaceful pursuits of General Lee after the war and how he won international fame as a leader of warriors and turned aside after war was over to lead youths to education.

Tribute to Gen. Carr

Following the speech of Hon. A.W. McLean, Mr. B.K. Lassiter paid a beautiful tribute to memory of the late General Julian S. Carr of Durham, after which the Daughters visited the cemetery and placed flowers and flags upon the graves of the departed heroes.

Old Soldiers Dine

There are not more than 18 or 20 Confederate veterans in Granville County, and only about half of that number were able to attend the dinner at the Exchange Hotel last Saturday given by the Daughters in their honor. The dinner was greatly enjoyed and greatly appreciated by them.

Oxford Public Ledger, Tuesday, May 13, 1924

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