
Monday, May 27, 2024

Goldsboro Police Court Proceedings, May 27, 1924

Police Court Proceedings

The following cases were tried in police court yesterday morning by Major Bain:

Will Melvin was fined $50 and costs for operating a disorderly house.

Johnny Holmes, colored, was fined $15 and costs for disorderly conduct.

Jim Parks, colored, drunk, fined $10 and costs.

R.F. Eaton, white, drunk, $15 and costs.

Andrew Barnes, colored, charged with selling milk without a license, dismissed.

William Austin and Julia Holmes, colored, were fined $10 and costs each for disorderly conduct.

Chas. Hall, colored, assault, bound over to county court.

From The Goldsboro News, Tuesday, May 27, 1924

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