
Thursday, May 30, 2024

High School Graduates Recognized in The Spray, May 29, 1924

High School Graduates, Continued

Elizabeth Patterson

To Know Her Is to Love Her

Elizabeth Jarrell Patterson (Liz), born Feb. 5, 1907, in Spray, entered L.H.S. in 1920. Liz is one of our most brilliant students. She also is a talented student of music, graduating this year in the art of tinkling the ivories. Liz is very popular with the boys and can nearly always be found with one. How she gets her lessons is a mystery to us all, but still she gets ones and twos all the time. Liz is one of our most popular girls.


Emily Pratt

Emily Pratt, born in Leaksville, Aug. 12, 1906, entered L.H.S. in 1920. Emily is a brilliant student, especially in Latin. She can read Virgil like lightning. She has some trouble tho’ in refraining from the dreadful sin of whispering in class. But we all love Emily.


Mary Elizabeth Millner

“A merry heart goes all the way, A sad one tires in a mile.”

Mary Elizabeth Millner, born April 15, 1906, in Spray, entered L.H.S. in 1920. Mary is our “vamp,” so be sure to be prepared when you see her. She is also our most athletic girl, a dangerous combination. Mary is a happy-go-lucky good sport and a very popular member of our class.


Willie Mae Bibee

“How sweet and fair she seems to be.”

Willie Mae Bibee, born Sept. 6,1906, in Spray, entered L.H.S. in 1920. Willie Mae is one of the sweetest girls in our class. She is also jolly and hardly ever seems in bad humor. Her smile is like the sun shining through the storm clouds, brightening up the weary world. You can’t help but love her.


Rubye Alda Harlowe

“Silence Is Golden.”

Rubye Alda Harlowe was born in Waynesboro, Va., Sept. 23,1905. Rubye came to us as a sophomore, and we were all glad she came. She is always quiet and takes her studies seriously, and she is a constant friend. She is our most unselfish girl. These, with a thousand more, are reasons why we all love her.


Frances Mitchell

“Hang sorrow—care will kill a cat. Therefore, let’s be merry.”

Frances Mitchell, born in Martinsville, Va., December 1906, entered 1920, but was absent from us during our Junior year. She returned in the Senior year and we’re all glad she did. She is a happy-go-lucky carefree girl and always jolly. She is also our class flapper, which speaks for itself. When Frances enters the room, a joyful feeling comes with her, which also speaks for itself.


Weldon Franklin Osborne

Weldon Franklin Osborne, born Dec. 27, 1906, Leaksville, N.C., is the “Valentino” of the class when it is a matter of beauty. But being handsome is not Weldon’s only accomplishment. He is also a bass singer. He is a “Hail fellow well met” with everyone—this accounts for his immense popularity. It is hard for the writer of this article to predict the future of Weldon, but we sincerely trust the fates will ever be true to him.

From the front page of The Arrow, Spray, N.C., Thursday, May 29, 1924

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