
Friday, May 10, 2024

Ingold Woman's Club Met with Mrs. H.D. Sloan, May 1, 1924

Ingold Woman’s Club Entertained Thursday

The Woman’s Club of Ingold met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H.D. Sloan.

An interesting program was given on “What We Eat.” Mrs. W.I. Wright was elected president for the coming year, Mrs. S.O. Johnson, secretary, and Mrs. D.W. Christenson, treasurer.

Tempting refreshments were served during the social hour which followed. the hostess was assisted by Misses Roselle Parker and Sallie Allen. Mrs. A.C. Lamb will entertain the club at its next meeting.

From the front page of the Sampson Independent, Clinton, N.C., May 1, 1924

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