
Friday, May 31, 2024

Interested in Boy Scouting in Elizabeth City, May 31, 1924

Scout Campaign Starts Monday. . . Citizens Interested Asked to Attend Meeting at Chamber of Commerce Rooms Monday Night at 8 O’clock

Elizabeth City people who are interested in Scout work for the home town are asked to be present at a meeting called by Scoutmaster Scattergood at the Chamber of Commerce rooms at 8 o’clock Monday night.

The purpose of the meeting is to plan for putting on an active campaign in Elizabeth City in the interest of Scout work.

The activities of Scout in Elizabeth City last summer and spring has created considerable local interest and pride in the organization, and Scout work this summer is expected to be more extensive than ever.

With Scoutmaster Scattergood, a group of 20 Scouts took a cruise down the river Saturday afternoon on the “Scattergood.”

From the front page of the Elizabeth City Daily Advance, May 31, 1924

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