
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Memorial Day Celebrated in Spray May 30, 1924

Memorial Day Will Be Observed Here Friday, May 30th. . . Program Under Auspices of Legion, Daughters of Confederacy and Ministerial Association. . . Service at Theatre and Boone Monument

Under the auspices of the American Legion, Daughters of the Confederacy and the Ministerial Association, Memorial Day will be observed here tomorrow.

The program will commence at 3 p.m. at the Boulevard Theatre, where there will be a band concert given by the Tri-City Band.

Following the concert, the program will be as follows: National Anthem, Invocation by Rev. W.L. Sherrill and Scripture Reading by Rev. C.W. Bowling; Roll Call and Prayer.

The Department Chaplain of the American Legion, Rev. G.T. Boyd, of Greensboro, will then deliver a Memorial Day address.

The Memorial Services will be concluded at the Jacob O. Boone Monument on Boone Road directly following (the) program at (the) Theatre. Ex-service men will march in a body from the theatre. Dr. W.B. Boyd, Dean of Milligan College, Tennessee, will deliver a memorial oration and the Boone monument will be decorated with flowers—symbolic of the decoration of all graves of soldiers dead, which will be done during the day by the James Hudnall Post, American Legion, and Daughters of the Confederacy.

Everybody is invited.

From the front page of The Arrow, Spray, N.C., Thursday, May 29, 1924

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