
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Republican Senators Would Destroy World Court Rather Than Admit Error, May 26, 1924

Saving Face

Greensboro News

The various world court plans now being offered by various Republican senators are all alike absurd in that each of them attempts to separate the court from any connection with the League of Nations. But since the Leake of Nations is the only international organization of its kind in existence, and since the League has been working better ever since its foundation, naturally the rest of the world wishes to be shown why before it abandons the organization.

The Republican senators, of course, are simply engaging in the ancient and honorable Chinese activity of “saving face.” They know, and all thinking men know, that adherence to the world court is right in principle. But unfortunately, the only world court in existence is the League of Nations court, and the Republican senators have condemned the League of Nations as everything that is evil. If they now vote in favor of adherence to the world court, they will come in some measure into contact with the League, which would humiliate them. Therefore, they calmly want the world to abandon its existing court and set up a new one on a new plan, simply in order that the senators may not have to eat their words.

Americans have long enjoyed the reputation of being a nervy race, but for an exhibition of consummate gall, this has probably never been surpassed in history.

From the editorial page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Monday, May 26, 1924, Murdock E. Murray, Editor

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