
Friday, May 10, 2024

Sampson County Chamber of Commerce Being Formed, May 1, 1924

C. of C. Campaign Meets Approval Rural Sections. . . Drive Last Thursday Met with Hugh Success and Insures County Progress. . . Want Truck Information. . . Chamber Already at Work on Sales Promotion and Calls for Needed Crop Information

the Sampson County Chamber of Commerce as a going and permanent concern was assured last week, when in one day approximately 170 memberships were obtained by the 17 flying squadrons in the field for that purpose.

The drive was the biggest concentrated effort ever made in Sampson county and the only reason that the results were not even larger was because the day was too short to cover the entire field.

Every team, which means every township, reported excellent results. And each team also reported that it had failed to cover its entire territory, and that there are still hundreds of prospective members in the county.

Found Farmers Interested

Everywhere the solicitors found that the farmer is alive to his opportunities and the advantages to be gained by co-operation, and anxious to do his part toward the betterment of Sampson county as a whole.

The 17 teams left Clinton shortly at 8 o’clock Thursday morning and reported back at 7 that evening. Some had made drives of more than 100 miles during the day, going to the most remote townships, while others had been closer and had more time to work.

Following the day’s efforts, the workers gathered as the guests of the Rotary club and reported their results. As each report was made, it was greated with a shout, as it was evident from the first that the results had been all that was desired.

To Complete Work

the drive Thursday, while it completed the first step of the formation of the organization, and will enable the perfection of the permanent body, was not the last effort towards memberships that will be made, as another similar drive is planned at an early date, when it is hoped to complete the canvass of the county.

As it stands now, the Chamber of Commerce has 505 ½ memberships taken out, with 389 active members holding them. Of these, 197 are farmers or planters to 192 merchants and professional men. In speaking of this showing, C.C. Kirkpatrick, the organizer who has helped Sampson, said that this is the only case of which he ever heard where the rural support exceeded that of the townspeople.

At least 200 additional memberships are sought by the organization committee, as it is desired to have a working budget of $7,000 for the first year. With this amount in hand, the chamber officials feel that such great benefits will be derived that it will be impossible to do without the chamber in the future.

Wants Truck Information

Plans of activity for the newly formed chamber are already materializing, and work being mapped out. Among the first things desired is an improvement in truck farming conditions and marketing. In order to bring this about, Mr. T.B. Smith, acting secretary, has asked that all truck gardeners inform him of their acreage, the crops being grown, and the probable yield. Mr. Smith hopes, by getting this data, to be able to draw the attention of the big buying centers to Sampson, and to have representatives here to take the crop from the growers, instead of having, as now, to grow, and harvest the crop without any assurances of selling it.

If you do any truck gardening or know of any, see that Mr. Smith is informed of it, as only through the help of the community can he get the desired information.

From the front page of the Sampson Independent, Clinton, N.C., May 1, 1924

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