
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Want Ads from the Messenger and Intelligencer, May 15, 1924


ALL NEW GOODS at the Store of the Wadesboro Dry Goods Co.

TIRES! TIRES! TIRES!—All sizes and all kinds at almost any price you wish to pay. Swap, trade or sell. McRae Service Station.

LAKE RATTLETON Is open every Friday night. Always a good program; come and enjoy yourself. J.A. Rayfield.

FOR RENT—Armfield house near depot. immediate possession. See l.G. Atkinson.

BENNETT BROTHERS Offer for Sale Galvanized Roofing, all lengths, and Cedar Shingles.

HUNDREDS of lovely Spring Dresses at very low prices this week. Wadesboro Dry Goods Co.

THREE FRESH MILK COWS For Sale. D.L. Thompson, Polkton N.C., Route 2.

THE NEW STORE of the Wadesboro Dry Goods Co. is filled with everything that is new.

EXHIBITION RHODE ISLAND REDS eggs now half price $1.50 per 15. June is the best month to hatch in, to get “even rich Reds.” Owen Farms hatch their Madison Square Garden and New York Grand winners in June. Miss Sadie Covington, Route 2, Wadesboro, N.C.

POLAND CHINA PIGS for Sale, (Big Bone) ready for delivery from May 15 until sold. E.W. Gaddy, Polkton R. 2.

BATHING SUITS for Men, Ladies, Boys and Girls, one and two pieces, the Bradley’s at .B. Allen & Co.

FOR RENT—4 rooms and bath, Nice location, for immediate possession. Phone No. 206 J.

LOST—May 12th, one female bird pup, about 7 weeks old. Setter, Brown head, white body, one small brown spot on back. Reward if returned to J.E.C. Hill Jr.

A BEAUTIFUL BLOUSE FOR $2.50, $3.50 and $5. Wadesboro Dry Goods Co.

FOR SALE—Indian Chief and Biggs seed corn on sale at E.C. Griggs & Co. store in Wadesboro and at my residence. John W. Kiker, Polkton route 2.

FOR SALE—A two 60 saw gin outfit complete with suction, double box steam tramping press, etc., in fine condition. Will do as good work as any outfit in the country. Will sell all or part at a bargain to quick buyer. Reason for selling, putting in larger outfit. J.P. Ratliff & Sons, Wadesboro, N.C.

FOR SERVICE—Big bone pure bred Berkshire boar, Emblem’s Type 26th No. 320,238, Pinehurst breeding. W.B. Winfree, Wadesboro route No. 2.

IMPROVED CLEVELAND Cotton Seed for Sale. Seed were ginned on private gins on which no other variety was ginned. Graded and sacked in even weight sacks. Are only one year from the breeder. C.P. Robinson, Morven, N.C.

FOR SALE CHEAP—Nice little cottage in South Wadesboro, electric lights, good water, big lot, grape vines, near graded school. Apply C.M. Walker, Wadesboro.

NEW LOT LINEN DRESSES this week. Wadesboro Dry Goods Co.


Beginning Tuesday May 20th, I will maintain a beauty parlor in Dr. Ross’ office. Hours 8 to 12, 2 to 5. Manicuring, Facial Massaging, Shampooing, Bobbing and Marcel Waving a specialty. Phone No. 248 A.


From page 4 of the Messenger and Intelligencer, Wadesboro, N.C., May 15, 1924

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