
Friday, June 28, 2024

Bible Salesman Assaults Zeb Long for Not Buying New Bible, June 27, 1924

Book Agent Attacks Solicitor Zeb Long. . . Courthouse Lawn at Statesville Scene of Personal Encounter Thursday Afternoon

Statesville, June 27—Zeb V. Long, solicitor of the 15th judicial district and former state senator from Iredell County, was assaulted yesterday, in front of his office on the courthouse lawn, by D.D. Dickson, sales manager of the System Bible Company of Chicago.

Dickson, who is in Statesville selling his books, called at Solicitor Long’s office the day before and was given a patient and interested hearing, Mr. Long telling the agent that if he would call later he would given him an answer as to whether he would buy the work. Yesterday morning the agent came into the solicitor’s office and was told by Mr. Long that he had considered the proposition, but that it did not suit him to buy. The agent was insistent, and after he was given a second refusal, told Mr. Long that the success of his business was not dependent on the sale and, after making other remarks which Mr. Long considered, unbecoming, the solicitor ordered the agent to leave his office.

Later in the day, Mr. Long started to the post office and as he was going out through the courthouse lawn, Dickson called to him:

“I think you are due me an apology.”

“No,” said Mr. Long. “I’m sure I don’t owe you an apology.”

A second demand for an apology was refused and Dickson struck the solicitor, who met him blow for blow in a fist encounter which lasted for a few minutes until they were separated.

In a hearing yesterday before Magistrate W.C. Moore, Dickson submitted to a simple assault and was fined $5 and the costs. Solicitor Long pleaded self-defense. Dickson gave Dallas, Texas, as his home.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, June 28, 1924

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