
Monday, June 10, 2024

Champion Manufacturing Considering Wilson, June 10, 1924

New Enterprise Wants to Locate in Wilson

The Champion Manufacturing Co. of Lexington, N.C., desires to locate in Wilson. this concern manufactures and distributes a great many small articles used in the automobile industry, and is considered one of the largest dealers in the South in ignition parts. Some of the articles manufactured and distributed by the Champion Manufacturing Co. are oils of various kinds, polishes and ignition parts.

The Champion Manufacturing Co. is comparatively speaking, a new concern, starting in business only a few years ago. The company has about 15 traveling men, as well as an office force, who distribute their products all over the United States. In fact, the company is doing a splendid export business; a considerable amount of its products being marketed in foreign countries. In addition to being a splendid investment, the advertising that would accrue to Wilson in having its name printed on all packages, as well as the numbers of in traveling out of the city, would be helpful in advertising the city.

Mr. Ed Reeve, manager of the company, has been in correspondence with the Chamber of Commerce, and feels that Wilson meets all of the requirements as a distributing point for his product. Before establishing his plant here, it will be necessary for the Wilson business men to subscribe a small amount of stock in this company. Mr. H.W. Abbitt and Mr. George Stronach are now canvassing the business men, with the view of securing subscriptions for this company, and it will depend on this whether or not Wilson secures this new enterprise.

From page 4 of the Wilson Times, June 10, 1924

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