
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Leave Child Labor Laws to States, Say Cotton Manufacturers, June 29, 1924

Against Child Labor Proposal. . . Cotton Manufacturers Oppose the Federal Amendment

By Associated Press

Blowing Rock, N.C., June 28—E.C. Dwell, of Charlotte, was today elected president of the Cotton Manufacturers Association of North Carolina, and J.C. Evins of Spartanburg was elected president of the South Carolina association. S.F. Patterson of Roanoke Rapids was elected first vice-president of the North Carolina association and Hunter Marshall Jr. of Charlotte, secretary and treasurer. S.M. Beattle of Greenville was elected first vice-president of the South Carolina association. The executive committee will elect the secretary and treasurer.

Both associations endorsed the proposal for a branch of the Richmond federal reserve bank in the Carolinas.

The North Carolina association endorsed the plans for the enlargement of the textile department of state college. The association also endorsed restrictive child labor legislation by the states but went on record against the federal child labor amendment.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, June 29, 1924

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