
Monday, June 24, 2024

New Polk County Cotton Gin Opening in August, 1924

Modern Equipment Feature of New Columbus Gin Plant. . . Polk County Ginning Company’s Model Plant Will be Ready in August—Expected to Handle 2,000 Bales

One hundred progressive Polk County farmers have subscribed stock in the Polk County Ginning Company, and the officers, after careful consideration, have purchased the latest and most modern ginning equipment, so that all cotton handled by them will be clean and the seed kept pure and in perfect condition.

The motor driven Lummus Automatic Air Blast outfit is extensively used in sections of the South where pedigreed cotton is grown, and it has proven the most economical and effective equipment obtainable.

The Polk County Ginning Company at great expense has erected its gin and seed house in order to accommodate the cotton planters of the section and the patronage of every planter will be appreciated.

Many of the best known farmers in the county are financially interested in the company, and they have invested their money in the best obtainable equipment so that the cotton grown in this section may be handled in an up-to-date manner.

The concern expects to give good service, better ginning, and a fair and square deal to every customer who brings his cotton to Columbus this year.

The ginning company will buy cotton, and exchange cotton seed meal and hulls for seed and will act as receiving agent for the North Carolina Cotton Growers Association. They have made strong affiliations with reliable mills and will be in direct touch with heavy buyers by phone, thus inassuring the highest market prices for cotton ginned in Columbus. No drayage charges will be made on cotton seed purchased by the company.

Columbus is an ideal location for a ginning plant to accommodate Polk County planters. It is on the State Highway traversing the county north and south with good top soil roads communicating with the cotton producing territory.

Columbus has adequate banking facilities, a big factor to the grower who wishes to cash his checks promptly in order to settle with tenants, pay fertilizer notes, etc. The hotel accommodations are very good and several stores stock staple merchandise. The hard surfaced road to Tryon provides a means of quick communication with that prosperous city.

In the last analysis every resident of the county will be benefitted by the activities of the new corporation because when Polk County dollars stay at home to work from Polk county’s continued prosperity, Columbus, Mill Spring, Tryon every community in the county will be directly affected.

Let’s gin every bale of cotton grown in this section at the new Columbus plant owned and operated by dirt farmers who are individually and collectively interested in seeing Polk County grow and develop.

Let’s pull together to make Polk County great! From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., June 24, 1924

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