
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

News from King, N.C., in Danbury Reporter, June 11, 1924

Ladies’ Aid and Society Meets. . . Co-Operative Tobacco Growers To Hold Meeting June 14—Other News and Personals of King

King, June 9—Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Caudle of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with relatives near here.

Born unto Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Newsum, a daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spainhower spent Sunday with Mrs. Spainhower’s father, Mr. John Carroll, near Mountain View.

Attorney Dallas C. Kirby of Winston-Salem was here Saturday looking after some legal matters.

The Ladies’ Aid Society of Trinity M.E. church gave an ice cream supper here Saturday afternoon. Proceeds will go toward paying for a piano for the church.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Johnson of Raleigh are spending a few days with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. William Caudle Jr. spent Sunday with relatives here.

The new home of Mr. Walter Sprinkle on East Main street is nearing completion.

The Cooperative Tobacco Growers Association will hold a meeting in the offices of the warehouse here next Saturday night, June 14. All members of the King local and neighboring locals as well are invited to be present as some important matters are to come before the meeting. There will be some good speakers who will deliver addresses.

This section was visited by a light hail storm today. Only slight damage was done to crops.

The Ladies’ Aid Society of Trinity M.E. church was delightfully entertained in the home of Mrs. Robert Meadows Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 o’clock. There were 12 members present and one visitor, Mrs. Hooker’s guest, Mrs. Frank Shell of Wilmington. Quite a number of visits to the sick were reported, also trays of fruit and cream were carried. “Music in the Church” was the subject of the program. Mrs. Meadows conducted the devotionals. Several papers and poems were read. The Society decided to sell ice cream, cake, fried chicken and sandwiches in the tea room on Depot street each Saturday afternoon in June to raise money to finish paying for the piano. During the social hour Mrs. Meadows, assisted by Miss Lois, served cake, homemade candy, cherries and lemonade. The next meeting will be held at the home of A.L. Hall.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, June 11, 1924

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