
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Opening Ceremonies for UNC-CH Summer School, June 20, 1924

Opening Ceremonies. . . Big Gathering in Memorial Hall Launches the First Session

The Summer School was formerly opened Tuesday evening with exercises in Memorial Hall. Director N.W. Walker presided and extended a welcome in behalf of the University community.

The principal address was delivered by H.H. Williams, head of the department of philosophy, who spoke on “The Process of Education.” Mr. Williams discussed present educational methods and expressed regret at the tendency toward over-standardization.

Talks were made by I.C. Griffin, head of the normal department of the Summer School; Mrs. M.H. Stacy, dean of women, and Miss Normal Connell, secretary of the Y.W.C.A. There was music by the University band, and Mrs. George Lawrence sang. Rev. Eugene Olive of the Baptist church said the invocation and benediction.

From page 8 of the Chapel Hill Weekly, Friday, June 20, 1924

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