
Monday, June 3, 2024

Personals from Cleveland Star, June 3, 1924


Mr. G.O. Dogget and daughters, of Charlotte, were week end guests at Cleveland Springs hotel.

Mr. Graham Anthony and young son Graham Jr. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Anthony.

Miss Ollie Sherrill of Winston-Salem is spending awhile here with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. C.F. Sherrill.

Miss Bessie Cameron of Sanford arrives Wednesday to be the guest of Miss Ruth Roberts on N. Morgan Street.

Mrs. Chas. M. Sappenfield of Columbia, S.C., has returned after spending awhile here with her mother Mrs. D.G. Mauney.

Mrs. Guy Robbins of Gastonia and sisters Mrs. O’Dell and Mrs. Thomas of Greenville, S.C., were the guests of Mrs. D.G. Mauney last Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Ben Dellinger and children spent the week end in Shelby with Mr. and Mrs. Graham Dellinger.

Mrs. J.T. Allen and children spent Thursday night in Shelby with Mrs. Allen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Elliotte.

Messrs. Arthur and Kay Dixon of Gastonia and Mr. A. Mangum, prominent men of Gastonia, spent Sunday at Cleveland Springs hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. Everette Houser of Greensboro spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Anthony and Dr. and Mrs. E.A. Houser.

Misses Jane Mosely and Ruby Thorne, teachers in the Shelby Public school, will teach in the summer school at Chapel Hill this summer.

Miss Ella McNichols returned last week from Winston-Salem where she attended the annual convention of the state nurses association.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stevens of Greensboro spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Hull.

Miss Bernice Hamrick is attending the commencement exercises of Meredith college, Raleigh, where she was a student for several years.

Miss Jessie Ballard has arrived here to assume duties as night nurse at the Shelby hospital, succeeding Miss Claudia Baker, who has gone to her home in Lowell.

Mr. Quay Grigg of Lawndale has gone to Durham where he attends the Trinity commencement and will later attend the summer school for teachers.

Misses Mildred and Kathleen Ferguson and Messrs. J.M. Stall and Lewie Ferguson, of Lancaster, S.C., motored to Shelby Sunday as the guests of Miss Janelle Wilson.

Mrs. Russel Laughridge and children and Mrs. M.H. Hickson left Friday for Fayetteville, Tarboro and Norfolk, where they will spend several weeks with relatives.

Mr. Caleb Hoyle has gone to Philadelphia to attend a meeting of the Pennsylvania Life Insurance Company agents. He makes a speech today before the delegates.

Mr. W. Yan Weathers left yesterday for Rutherford hospital where he goes to have an old operation for appendicitis repaired. He asks the prayers of Gardner’s Bible class of which he is a member.

Among those who will attend the summer school at Chapel Hll this summer are Misses Lucile Nix, Mary Griffin, Adeline Bostick, Selma C. Webb and Mrs. Beuna Bostick. They will leave here about June 16th.

Prof. H.M. Loy and Miss Vera Bennett will teach at the summer school at Boone. They left yesterday, while Miss Melissa Kerr of Shelby and Miss Althia Hoyle of Shelby R-6 go as students.

Mr. Harold Blanton, pharmacist in the navy department with headquarters in Philadelphia, Pa., is here until June 9th, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Blanton, N. DeKalb street.

Miss Emma McNichols and Mr. Chester Craig of Camden, N.J., spent the week end here with their sister and sister-in-law Miss Ella McNichols, superintendent of the Shelby Public hospital.

Mr. Sollie Riviere and daughter and Mr. Will Arey motored to Charlotte Friday and were accompanied home by Mr. Riviere’s mother and sister, Mrs. S.E. Riviere and Mrs. Ben Kendall.

Capt. Peyton McSwain returned Sunday from Fort Benning, Ga., where he has been in training at the infantry school for the past three months. He announces a drill of Company K at the armory on Thursday night.

Mrs. M.P. Gantt was taken to Charlotte Sunday where today she undergoes an operation on her eye at the hands of Drs. Sloan and Peeler. Her many friends hope she will withstand the operation well and soon be home again.

Mr. and Mrs. Mal Spangler and children return today from Canton, where they have been visiting Rev. and Mrs. R.C. Campbell. They were accompanied as far as Asheville by Mrs. E.B. Lattimore, who returns with them.

Mrs. C.A. Hamrick, who lives in the Washburn community, left Sunday for Raleigh, where she will attend the graduating exercises of Meredith college. Her daughter, Miss Vera Dixon, graduates with honor and will spend the summer with her mother, after which she plans to teach.

Miss Matilda Lattimore is attending the commencement exercises at the N.C. College for Women at Greensboro. She returns home this week. Miss Rosalyn Nix, who is a student there, goes to a house party to White Lake in eastern Carolina where she will spend a week or 10 days before coming home.

Messrs. C.C. Blanton and Forrest Eskridge spent Saturday in Charlotte.

Mr. Burton Mitchell of Mt. Holly spent the week end with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W.F. Mitchell.

Miss Alba Padgett of Bostic spent the week end with her cousins, Misses Opal Poston and Melba Metcalf.

Mrs. Renda McBrayer of Boiling Springs is visiting her sister, Mrs. W.G. McBrayer.

Dr. and Mrs. Yates Faison spent the past week at Cleveland Springs hotel, returning home Saturday.

Mrs. T.W. Ebeltoft and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, returned from Hickory Thursday.

Miss Kate Pearsall of Morganton is spending some time here the guest of her friend Mrs. R.L. Ryburn.

Miss Fan Barnett of Gastonia arrives this week to spend several days at Cleveland Springs hotel, Miss Barnett’s many Shelby friends will be glad to know of her arrival.

Mrs. James L. Webb spent the week end in Gaffney, S.C., with her sister, Mrs. F. Davenport, who had the misfortune to fall Thursday and break her wrist.

Misses Blanche Wilson and Frankie Borders left Sunday for Boone, where they will attend the summer school for teachers.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gaston and family of Blacksburg, S.C., spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Max Wilson and Mr. Gaston’s aunt, Mrs. Phillip Wilson, whose health is good despite her advanced years.

From page 5 of the Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Tuesday, June 3, 1924

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