
Monday, June 24, 2024

Police Want Drunken Men Who Killed Saddle Horse Sunday Night, June 24, 1924

Men Alleged to Have Been Drunk When Horse Was Killed Sunday Night

The brutal killing of a saddle horse late Sunday night on the Spray-Draper Road when three drunken men in a car ran into the horse, breaking both front legs. The rider escaped with slight injuries. The horse was the property of John Westley Haizlip, student at the military school. The young man was returned to Spray about 10 o’clock Sunday night near Mrs. Cox’ place, when the car struck the horse.

Chief Vernon is determined to find the parties and see that they are suitably punished. He is asking people to be on the lookout for a car that might show signs of blood stains as the horse was bleeding badly.

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Tuesday, June 24, 1924

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