
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Posse Kills James Littleton, Who Was Accused of Shooting His Wife, June 29, 1924

Posse Shoots at Negro 17 Times; Finally Killed. . . Negro Shot and Severely Wounded His Wife; He Was Surrounded in the Woods by the Posse

Kinston, June 28—Surrounded in a woods and hemmed in within the small space of a negro home in the New Branch section of Onslow county, James Littleton, negro, who on June 20th shot and severely wounded his wife of one month, was shot at 17 times and finally killed by a posse of the sheriff of that county, according to word brought here yesterday morning. Littleton shot his wife at the plantation of Walter Tyndall in Jones cunty and has been a fugitive from justice ever since. It is alleged that the cause of the shooting was because his wife had informed him that she didn’t love him any more.

In the shooting scrape that occurred Thursday morning when the negro was killed, a relative of Tolson Jarman, who is employed here in the store of H. Stadiem, was injured when a bullet struck his knee cap. No other members of the posse were shot. stories as to the exact place where the shooting took place vary, some accounts stating that the negro took refuge behind a tree. The negro was a native of South Carolina. His wife, brought here after the shooting on June 20th, was thought to be dangerously wounded, but she is getting along nicely now, it is reported.

From the front page of the Goldsboro News, Sunday, June 29, 1924

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