
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Ephesus News, July 24, 1924

Ephesus News

Rev. L. Smith of Fayetteville is conducting a revival meeting at Ephesus this week. Services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend these services.

Mr. Stedman Ballard of Lakeview visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Ballard Sunday.

Misses Cavie Brown and Annie Taylor spent the week-end in Duke with friends.

Miss Viola Brown was the guest of Miss Mae Stephens Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Morrison and children, Wilma and Aubrey, of Lakeview are spending this week with Mrs. Morrison’s mother, Mrs. J.N. Ballard.

Mr. J.B. McDonald returned home Saturday after spending a week in Durham with his daughter, Mrs. Shafter Brady.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lucas spent the week-end in Duke with relatives.

Miss Maggie Stone of Linden is visiting friends in this section.

Mr. Prentis McLean returned to his home in Durham Monday, after spending the past two weeks with Mr. Eugene McDonald.

We are sorry to report little Miss Carrie Lee being on the sick list for the past week with typhoid fever. However, she is much improved now.

Miss Ida McDonald spent a few days last week with Miss Jane McDonald of Duke.

Miss Ethel McDonald of Duke, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. ? G. Davis for several weeks, returned home Friday.

From page 4 of the Harnett County News, Lillington, N.C., Thursday, July 24, 1924.

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