
Friday, July 19, 2024

Gold Discovered on Crayton Farm, July 19, 1924

Rich Gold Ore Brought to Light in Northeast Cabarrus

Mt. Pleasant, July 19—Keen interest is being taken in the mining operation that is now being conducted on the farm of Matt Crayton, which lies in the northeast corner of Cabarrus county. This mine was discovered by Richard Crayton while he was preparing the farm land for corps early in the Spring. His attention was drawn to rock of gold-bearing appearance, and when broken the gold could plainly be seen.

Mr. Crayton and his son soon discovered the vein hidden under less than a foot of soil and numerous holes that they dug in the vein disclosed very rich ore. The brought this property to the attention of J.L. Mittenbuhler, a western mining man who had settled in this district for the past four years due to the splendid gold formation that this part of the country affords.

Mr. Mittenbuhler immediately acquired the mining rights to this property and on assay learned that the ore values were more than $100 to the ton. He has now installed a stamp mill and concentrating table and has sunk the shaft to over a depth of 20 feet. The ore vein has increased in width to over four feet. He is now making arrangements to install air compressor, air drills, steam hoist, engine and larger boiler.

There can be no doubt, it is said, of the success of this operation as the concentrates assay over $800 per ton. This mine is in the famous Reed mine district. The Reed mine mint record is over $2 million with practically no work carried to depth and as Mr. Mittenbuhler says, the Reed mine has barely been scratched.

This operation is bound to attract attention in the mining world and be a great assistance to our community.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, July 19, 1924

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