
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Local News from Lumberton, July 28, 1924

Items of Local News

--Mr. W.H. Bass spent Sunday in Rockingham visiting friends. It was his first visit in 20 years. He says there is a great change in the town, a new bank and court house.

--Mr. U.S. Page, proprietor of Page’s Lake, was a Lumberton visitor Friday. He says that a detour has been provided at the Chicken Road to the Fayetteville-Wilmington Highway, making travel to the lake much more convenient.

--A large plate glass has been placed in front of the Griffing building on the east side of Elm street, between Fourth and Fifth, and interior work is being done, which will greatly mprove the looks of the building. As soon as completed, the Olympia Café will move into the building from the one it now occupies opposite the post office.

--License has been issued for the marriage of Miss Elva Harrington of St. Paul to Mr. Frank Bynum of Darlington, S.C.

--Mr. N.W. Jenkins expects to return today to his home in Fairmont after having spent three weeks here at the Baker sanatorium, where he underwent special treatment, and a very serious operation. His condition is reported as very much improved.

--Miss Marey Conoley, formerly a nurse at the Thompson hospital, spent last week here visiting at the home of Mrs. N.A. Thompson, Elm street. She went Saturday to Rennert to visit relatives before returning to Lakeland, Fla., where she is now superintendent of the Morrell hospital. Miss Conoley is also a member of the Florida State board of examiners, having been appointed by the Governor.

--Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Carter and two children of Birmingham, Ala., who are guests of Mr. Carter’s half-sister, Kate Carter Crawford, on R. 2 from Rowland, and Mr. and Mrs. Crawford were Lumberton visitors Saturday. This is Mr. Carter’s first visit to North Carolina, and he is very much impressed with he state and especially with Robeson county. For a long time Mr. Carter thought there was only one state—Alabama—but now he says he is convinced that there are two.

From the front page of the Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Monday, July 28, 1924. “Country, God and Truth”

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