
Friday, July 19, 2024

Major McLeary's Body Sent to Washington, D.C., July 19, 1924

McLeary Body Is Forwarded. . . Fort Bragg Officers Were in Charge

By the Associated Press

Cheraw, S.C., July 17—The body of Major Samuel H. McLeary, coast artillery, which was found 12 miles south of here yesterday, after a two-weeks search which resulted in the arrest of Mortimer N. King, his alleged slayer, was sent to Washington tonight.

The body of the officer, prepared for burial by a local undertaking establishment, was sealed in a gray casket which was draped with a large American flag. It was taken in charge by army officers who arrived from Fort Bragg, N.C., this afternoon.

A military escort, formed by members of Liveoaks post, American Legion, accompanied the body to the train. Members of the post also acted as pall-bearers.

It is understood that burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery.

From the front page of the Durham Herald, July 19, 1924

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