
Monday, July 29, 2024

Mrs. Lovelace President of State Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs, July 29, 1924

Women’s Section of Convention Changed Name. . . Adopted a Constitution. . . Mrs. Lovelace of Tarboro Elected President; the Farm Women’s Organization in the Future Will be Known as State Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs

Raleigh, July 25—The women’s section of the North Carolina Farmers and Farm Women’s convention closed its final session here last night after electing officers and adopting a constitution and changing the name of the organization from “The State Farm Women” to the “State Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs.”

Officers elected were Mrs. R.Y Lovelace of Tarboro, president; Mrs. T.H. Dickens, Franklin county, vice president; Mrs. J.S. Turner, Rockingham county, second vice president; Mrs. E.Y. Gordon, Nash County, corresponding secretary; Miss Jessie Thompson, Columbus county, recording secretary; and Mrs. Estelle Smith, treasurer.

From page 5 of The Wilson Times, Tuesday, July 29, 1924

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