
Sunday, July 21, 2024

St. Paul News Shared by Bessie Johnson, July 21, 1924

St. Paul News. . . Sunday School Class of Boys Enjoys Picnic at Lake View—Birthday Parties—Among the Sick—Personal

By Bessie G. Johnson

St. Paul, July 18—Mrs. G.T. Fisher returned home yesterday from Mocksville, where she spent some time with her daughter, Mrs. T. Jeff Caudell. Mr. Fisher, his son, Mrs. Haywood, and the three daughters, Misses Clyde, Tommie and Ethel, motored over to Mocksville to accompany her upon her return and to see the little daughter, Eleanor Fisher, who was born to Mrs. and Mrs. Caudell on June 30. Both mother and daughter are getting on nicely and hope to visit St. Paul some time next month. she will be remembered by local friends as Miss Margaret Fisher of our town.

On Wednesday night this week a daughter arrived in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edd McCormick, which makes for them four daughters and one son. Congratulations.

Mesdames Sanford Britt and J.M.O. Denmark motored over to Parkton yesterday afternoon for a visit in the home of Mrs. Britt’s sister-in-law, Mrs. J.Q. Parnell, whose child has been ill with bronchial pneumonia.

Mrs. Neill McKay and daughter, Miss Janie, whose home is Wagram, spent yesterday afternoon in the home of Mrs. L.I. Grantham, Armfield street, while enroute to Elizabethtown, where they were to be guests in the home of Mrs. Grantham’s sister, Mrs. W.H. Regan, also a relative of theirs.

Little Miss Mable Esther Johnson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Johnson, has been ill the past few days.

Messrs. A.E. Howard and Sanford Britt took their Sunday school class, composed of boys ranging from the age of 13 to 15, for a motor ride over to Lake View Tuesday this week, where they enjoyed a delightful picnic.

Mrs. Gordon Jones is spending several days among relatives at Wallace.

Rev. and Mrs. J.M. Page and family motored to Rowland yesterday afternoon, where they visited in the home of Mrs. Page’s sister, Mrs. F.F. Jordan.

Master Baxter Johnson celebrates his 6th birthday anniversary by inviting a number of this friends to enjoy the occasion with him on the afternoon of the 11th.

Mrs. W.H. Regan and little daughter, Betsy Jane, of Elizabethtown, in company with Misses Sarah and Camelle Lamar from August, (Augusta?) Ga., were recent visitors in the home of the former’s sister, Mrs. L.I. Grantham. St. Paul friends will be interested in knowing that Misses (?) Lamar will be members of the local school faculty this season, having charg eof the 4th and 6th grades.

Mr. Locke McInnis left last evening for a business trip to Wilmington.

Miss Sarah Covington of Lumber Bridge, accompanied by house guests Miss O’Neal from Smithfield, spent Thursday afternoon in the home of the former’s sister, Mrs. Edwin Smith.

Miss Eva Huggins has returned to her home town, Lumberton, following a pleasant few days’ visit in the home of her friend Mrs. Charley Parham.

Mrs. Marcus spent a short while in Lumberton yesterday where she is taking medical treatment under Dr. R.S. Beam, going over every few days.

Mrs. A.H. Harris and two daughters, Mrs. Frank Caudell and Edwin McDonald , were Lumberton visitors Wednesday afternoon.

Little Miss Annie Atkins Rozier entertained a few of her young friends from 5 yo 7 Tuesday evening at t he home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R.G. Rozier, Armfield street, the occasion being her 9th birthday anniversary. As the little guests arrived a delicious punch was served, and as the numerous games came to a close, cream and cake, followed by mints, proved a delightful conclusion. The lucky group included little Misses Laura Northrop, Nellie Harrell, Harriet McGoogan, Laura Bettie McRaney and Dora Lee McDonald.

Mrs. D.S. Currie and daughter, Sarah, of Parkton, in company with the Misses McKinnon from Maxton, were in town one afternoon recently.

Friends of Mr. Neill Humprey, who has been a patient several weeks at the Baker sanatorium, Lumberton, regret to not his continued illness, little hope being entertained for his recovery.

Mrs. Clark, from near Raeford, arrived Wednesday night in response to a critical illness of her cousin, Mrs. Roxie McMillan, who is in extremis at her home here on Armfield street.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson returned home Friday last week from Charlotte, where Mrs. Johnson spent the past two weeks among relatives and friends, Mr. Johnson having gone over to accompany her home. Two of their sisters, Misses Aileen and Georgia Bennett, also visited relatives in Charlotte and Rock Hill, returning home Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Culbreth, Rev. I.T. Poole, Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Metton and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Clark were among those from here attending a family reunion at Fairmont yesterday, where they spent the day. Miss Lessie Culbreth, a sister of Mr. Culbreth, accompanied them home and will spend some time among us.

Dr. and Mrs. R.M. Lancaster and family, who were guests several days in the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.B. Lancaster, returned to their home, Mt. Airy, Tuesday this week.

From the front page of the Lumberton Robesonian, Monday, July 21, 1924

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