
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Bus Companies Agree to 50-Cent Fare, Greensboro to High Point, Aug. 30, 1924

High Point Fare 50 Cents, Say Bus Men. . . Agreement Reached at Conference with Attorney General Manning

Raleigh, Aug. 27—Following a conference here today between Attorney General J.S. Manning and attorneys representing bus owners operating between Greensboro and High Point, an agreement was reached upon a uniform fare of 50 cents for the 18-mile run between the two Guilford county cities. The conference followed a price cutting war among bus owners operating between the two cities.

The agreement on a 50 cents fare was reached under Judge Manning’s supervision after he had pointed out to the bus owners the insecurity of their position operating at a rate of less than 1 ½ cents a passenger mile. He said he did not think a fair profit could be made with a rate much lower than 3 cents a mile. Finally, the agreement on the 50-cent fare was reached, placing the mileage charge slightly under 3 cents.

From page 3 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Friday, August 30, 1924

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