
Monday, August 26, 2024

Charlotte News in Concord Tribune, Aug. 27, 1924

Marlowe Is Given 30 Days in Prison. . . Charlotte Man Convicted of Driving Car While Intoxicated. . . Other Charlotte News

--Charlotte, Aug. 26—Convicted of driving an automobile while drunk before Judge T.J. Shaw of Greensboro in Superior court here today, Roy Marlowe, well known young white man, was sentenced to serve 30 days in jail.

--The first woman evangelist ever to conduct a series of religious meetings in Charlotte will begin a two-weeks’ evangelistic campaign Sunday morning at Calvary Methodist church, one of the leading churches of the city.

She is Mrs. C.L. Steidley, formerly of St. Louis, but now of Gastonia, who for three years has been doing evangelistic work for and in the Western North Carolina Methodist conference.

--Stricken with paralysis while talking with a group of friends at his home on Elizabeth avenue last night at 11 o’clock, A.J.E. Butterworth, 55, died before medical assistance could reach him. He was district manager for the Jacob Packing Company with offices here and was well known and well liked in the city.

He is survived by his widow. He was a native of Buffalo, N.Y., to which place the body will be sent for burial.

--Mayor J.O. Walker left today for New York to deliver $2,050,000 in bonds to the city of Charlotte which were sold August 11th to the American Trust company of this city.

--Rev. R.I. Keate, of this city, was unanimously re-elected president of the Carolina conference and camp meeting of the Seventh Day Adventists at the business meeting of the conference now in session here. H.W. Potter, also of this city, was elected secretary and treasurer, and Prof. G.M. Matthews, recently of Oklahoma, was named educational and missionary secretary. Mrs. R.L. Keate was elected Sabbath school secretary.

The executive committee is composed of Rev. R.I. Keate of Charlotte; Henry Pike of Siler City, T.M. Woodall of High Point, Rev. James Bellinger and F.A. Starke of Charleston, S.C.

--The Fall ceremonial of Suez Temple No 73, D.O.K.K., will be held Monday, September 1, at Shelby, temple officials announced here today. An interesting program has been arranged for the event, and members are expected to attend from practically every town in piedmont North Carolina.

--City Commissioners have awarded contracts to the Western Electric company for the installation of an electric traffic control system for the city, the system costing $2,715, according to the contract.

--Mrs. Flarence [Florence?] Plott, white rooming house keeper on Brevard street, was given her choice of leaving the city or serving six months in jail by Judge Wade Williams in city court this morning after she had been found guilty of keeping a disorderly house and violating the Turlington act. She gave bond to gain liberty to deliberate on her decision.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Wednesday, August 27, 1924

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