
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Childers Men Arrested, Still Seized, Aug. 29, 1924

Two Men Captured at Still Near Mooresville

Mooresville, Aug. 28—It will be recalled that two weeks ago Chief Woodside and Fireman Honeycutt captured a still four miles south of Mooresville and destroyed a quantity of mash. Today the officers brought in the goods that is W.A. Childers and H.L. Childers, well-known men of that community, appeared before Recorder C.V. Volls (Voils?) and submitted to charges of manufacturing liquor. Each man was required to pay a fine of $50 and the costs of $73 each. They were placed under a 12 months’ suspended sentence. Carson Wilson and Scott Cook, who were also at the still when the officers rushed the bunch, but were not implicated in operating the plant, being mere patrons. They submitted to charges of possessing and were fined costs to the amount of $32 each and were placed under a six months’ suspended sentence.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Friday, August 29, 1924

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