
Friday, August 23, 2024

Clark Sentenced to 165 Years for Assault on Two Young Girls, Aug. 23, 1924

Man Is Given 165 Year Term. . . Clark Sentenced on Criminal Assault Charges.

Elizabeth City, N.Y., Aug. 22—E.E. Clark, typewriter repairman, was given prison sentences aggregating 165 years in superior court here today on charges of committing crimes against two girls, each of whom is 13 years old.

After the state had concluded its case, Clark changed his plea from not guilty to guilty, throwing himself upon the mercy of the court. Judge Lyons then imposed sentence, Giving Clark 60 years upon each of the two principal counts and 15 years each on three lesser counts.

The principal witness for the state were the two girls, who said the crimes were committed when they went to Clark’s room to show him some postcards which they were selling in order to win a doll offered as a prize.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Aug. 23, 1924. the Elizabeth City newspapers have consistently written that the victims were 10 years old, not 13 as stated here.

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