
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Dots and Dashes from the Roanoke News, Aug. 18, 1924

Dots and Dashes. . . About Folks You Know, Will Know, or Ought to Know

Mrs. J.A. Johnson is visiting relatives at Elkin.

Miss Mary Anderson is visiting friends at Goldsboro.

Miss Helen Rowell spent last week at Ocean View.

Miss Mabel Alston has returned from a visit to Emporia.

Miss Ellice Bounds has returned from a visit to Richmond.

Mr. C.D. Cherry of Newbern spent the week end in town.

Miss Lou Hill of Charlotte visited relatives here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Edwards spent the week end in Suffolk.

Mrs. Herbert Rowe has returned home fror a visit to Asheville.

Mrs. J.P. Holoman is spending a while at Panacea Springs.

Mr. J.A. Harris of Edenton visited his people here last week.

Mrs. C.R. Chittenden has returned from a visit to Richmond.

Mr. Bell Howell of Fayetteville is visiting Mr. Browne Holloman.

Miss Susie Medlin has returned home from a visit to Ocean View.

Mrs. Bertha Spruill of Windsor is visiting Mrs. D.B. Howell.

Mrs. Agnes Cheek of Wilmington is visiting relatives in Weldon.

Mr. Emry Green of Greensboro is visiting relatives in Weldon.

Miss Lucile Clark of Enfield is visiting Miss Ola Belle Whitehead.

Mr. Charles Vincent Jr. spent a few days at Ocean View last week.

Mr. and Mrs. H.C. House are spending some time at Virginia Beach.

Miss Blanche Johnson has returned from a visit to Rocky Mount.

Miss Mabel Barrett of Rocky Mount visited Mrs. C.E. Carter Sunday.

Miss Agnes McGee has returned home from a visit to relatives in Raleigh.

Miss Eleanor Chittenden has returned from a visit to relatives in Virginia.

Mrs. C.D. Cherry and children, of Newbern, are visiting relatives in town.

Miss Jeanette Johnston of Emporia is visiting Miss Ellice Bounds.

Miss Mary Louise Hudson of Richmond is visiting relatives in Weldon.

Miss Elizabeth Holland of Bethel visited Miss Blanche Johnson this week.

Miss Lucy Nottingham of Norfolk is visiting Miss Ola Belle Whitehead.

Mrs. S.J. Dixon and Robert Dixon are spending the week at Ocean View.

Miss Gladys Sanderson of Cartersville, Va., is visiting the Misses Chittenden.

Mrs. S.G. Edwards and daughter, Miss Eva, spent last week in Petersburg.

Misses Julia Gregory and Grace Green have returned from a visit to Richmond.

Mrs. J.D. Turner of Richmond is here on a visit to his sister, Mrs. I.T. Wallace.

Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Holtzclaw and children have returned home from Asheville.

Miss Alma Garlick of Washington, D.C., is visiting Miss Ola Belle Whitehead.

Misses Ida and Louise Hayward are visiting relatives in Brunswick county, Va.

Mr. Dallas Holoman of Richmond spent the week end with Mr. J.P. Holoman.

Mr. H.L. Grant spent last Sunday at Wilson, visiting a special “friend,” they do say.

Miss Bruce Wallace of Richmond is here on a visit to her brother, Mr. I.T. Wallace.

Mr. S.J. Dixon, Leo Dixon and Sam Dixon Jr. are spending several weeks in Brevard.

Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Neville has returned home from a visit to relatives in the Enfield section.

Miss Audney Clements and Miss Charlotte Dawson have returned home from a visit to Castalia.

Mrs. W.C. Mitchell and son, Mr. Henry Mitchell, left last week to spend some time in Asheville.

Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Rabil, Mr. Albert Rabil and Miss Nazha Rabil spent the week-end at Goldsboro.

Mrs. E.H. Stancell and two sons, Frank and Howard, of Rocky Mount, are visiting relatives here.

Mrs. Alice B. Hudson, her two daughters and son are at home after a pleasant stay at Ocean View.

Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Shaw and children, of Enfield, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Williams.

Mrs. E.L. Williams and daughters, Lillian Piercey, have returned from a visit to relatives in Rocky Mount.

Capt. and Mrs. G.D. Hawks and grand daughter, Miss Katherine, have returned from a pleasant visit to Ocean View.

Mr. and Mrs. B.E. Robinson of Emporia spent the week-end with Mrs. Robinson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Edwards.

Mr. Edward Johnston of Winston-Salem, who has been visiting Messrs. J.A. and S.P. Johnston, returned home Tuesday.

Misses Viola Morrisette and Dorothy Petree, two lovely young ladies, of Ocean View, Va., are visiting Miss Helen Rowell.

Mrs. J.E. Moore and daughters, Misses Rosa Coyt and Elizabeth, of Rocky Mount, visited Mrs. C.E. Carter Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. N.S. Barnes and daughter, Miss Mary Letha, and Miss Jane B. Gregory spent a few days in Washington, N.C., last week.

Miss Audney Clements, who has been visiting Miss Charlotte Dawson for the past two weeks, has returned to her home in Portsmouth, Va.

Mr. P.H. Joyner, the police and efficient money order clerk at the post office, who has been on his annual vacation, has returned to his post of duty.

Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Hollingsworth and son, Wiliam Shaw, and Miss Pattie Shaw of Rocky Mount spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Williams.

Mrs. W.A. Britt, Mrs. Hadley Moore, Mrs. Ernest Smith and little daughter, Mary Frances, of Greensboro, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Williams last week.

Prof. and Mrs. W.B. Edwards spent Monday night in Weldon and left Tuesday afternoon for Murfreesboro, their new home. They have many friends of Weldon who regret to give them up.

From the front page of the Roanoke News, “A Newspaper for the People,” published in Weldon, N.C., Monday, August 18, 1924

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