
Monday, August 19, 2024

Dr. Calhoun and Miss Annie Staley Are Wed, Aug. 19, 1924


At 1 p.m. August 19, 1924, at the residence of Hon. Ben T. Holden, Louisburg, N.C., Dr. J.H. Calhoun and Miss Annie Staley, sister of Mrs. Holden, were united in marriage by the bride’s father, Rev. W.W. Staley. All of the marriage party were of Suffolk, Va.

The bride and groom entered, while Mrs. O.Y. Yarborough rendered Wagner’s March from Lohengrin, and she played softly during the ceremony Trasumerel.

John Staley Holden, nephew of the bride, acted as ring bearer.

The bride wore peach georgette beaded in silver with black velvet hat, and slippers and gloves to harmonize.

Those present were Mrs. Bessie Staley Cheatham and son Williams Staley Cheatham, of Washington, D.C., Mrs. G.C. Moore of Sacramento, California; Miss Rebekah Mitchell of Wilmington, N.C.; Mrs. Annie Mitchell, Miss Nellie Mitchell and Lewis Mitchell, of Franklinton, N.C.; Mrs. S.C. Holden and Mrs. C.K. Cooke of Louisburg.

After the marriage the bride and groom left for a motor trip through the mountains of North Carolina and Virginia, after which they will reside in Suffolk, where Dr. Calhoun will continue to practice his profession as optometrist.

From the front page of the Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., Friday, August 22, 1924

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