
Sunday, August 11, 2024

Eldridge Little, 12, Drowns at Sunday School Picnic, Aug. 11, 1924

Albemarle Lad Is Drowned on Picnic. . . Eldridge Little, 12, Loses His Life at Rocky River Springs—Parents Grief Stricken

Albemarle, Aug. 9—Gloom was cast over the entire town today when news was received that Eldridge Little, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Little of Albemarle, had been drowned in the swimming pool at Rocky River Springs in the southern part of the county.

The Sunday school of the First Baptist church of Albemarle was holding its annual picnic at this summer resort, and a large number of the children were in the swimming pool at the time of the accident. It seems that no one saw the boy actually go down. His father was in the party and was one of those selected to keep a look out but the boy preceded his father a few minutes in the pool and as soon as his father got in the pool he missed his boy.

A search was instituted, and it was only after several minutes when a human rope was formed for the purpose of feeling out the bottom of the lake that one of the searchers located the boy on the bottom of the lake. Life was entirely extinct when the boy was found, but it was impossible to resuscitate him although all efforts were made to do so. He is the eldest son of Mr. Little and was very popular among the small boys of the town. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock near Ansonville, in Anson county. The parents are grief stricken as well as a number of the intimate friends and also those having charge of the picnic.

From the front page of the Concord Times, Monday, Aug. 11, 1924

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