
Monday, August 12, 2024

George Roebuck and His 'Trick' Horse, Aug. 12, 1924

Mr. George R. Roebuck Gives Exhibition with His Educated Horse

Mr. George R. Roebuck gave an exhibition with his educated horse at the Roanoke fair grounds here last Saturday before the meeting of farmers gathered there to hear Mr. Samuel R. Guard and others speak.

Mr. Roebuck has an unusual horse and has trained him to do almost every thing from wild west bucking to fancy work. The horse trusts his master to cut a short slip of paper from his mouth with an Australian lash and then kisses him with assuring confidence. Mr. Roebuck stands on his head in the saddle while the horse runs at full speed. He swings himself by one foot on the horse’s side which shows that he has given this trick much attention and practice.

The horseman claims there has never been a horse know to stand and hold a short piece of paper in its mouth and have some one cut it off with a long and loud cracking lash and that horsemen with long and varied experiences contended that it could never be done.

The large audience enjoyed Mr. Roebuck’s splendid free exhibition of real horsemanship.

From the front page of The Williamston Enterprise, Martin County, Tuesday, Aug. 12, 1924

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