
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Graham News Briefs from Alamance Gleaner, Aug. 28, 1924

Local News

The County Commissioners will meet in regular session next Monday.

John D Vaughn, after being sick for two weeks, is able to go his place of business again.

Mr. I.I. Henderson was carried to a Greensboro hospital yesterday for an operation for appendicitis.

It is reported that Judge Crammer, who is presiding over the court at Hillsboro this week, on Tuesday dismissed a jury and directed the Sheriff to summon another jury. Information is that the jury returned a verdict of “not guilty” I a liquor case on three counts to one of which the defendant practically pleaded guilty, and it is supposed that for this reason the Judge sent the jury away and asked for another.


Thos. H. Wharton of Seabreeze, Fla., spent Wednesday here.

Messrs. Gene Hunter and Chas. C. Thompson are spending the day in Raleigh.

Mr. Land of Leaksville is here visiting his daughter, Mrs. Louis C. Allen.

Miss Mary Estlow returned to High Point last week where she does office work.

Miss Mattie Watson spent from Friday till Tuesday with relatives in Durham.

Mr. John B. Stratford spent the first of the week in Winston-Salem on business.

Capt. R.G. Foster returned this morning from a pleasant stay of two weeks in Wilmington.

Mr. and Mrs. George Crawford of Raleigh are here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. John M. Crawford.

Master Jack Moone has been the guest of his sister, Mrs. Frank Stone of Siler City, for the past two weeks.

Mrs. J.L. Scott Jr. leaves for Greensboro today to spend a week with her daughter. Mrs. Chas. W. Causey.

Dr. A.L. Stratford of Richmond, Va., spent last week with his brother, Mr. W.O. Stratford, two miles east of Graham.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jackson of Covington, Ky., are here visiting the latter’s grand-mother, Mrs. Jas. N. Williamson.

Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Yount and Master Marvin returned Saturday from a week’s visit to Miss Nell Armfield in Statesville.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Dolph Long and Master George returned Monday morning from a week’s stay at Wrightsville.

Mrs. W.H. Foushee of Greensboro spent Saturday till Monday here with her sisters, Mrs. A. Lacy Holt and Mrs. Chas. A. Thompson.

Misses Elizabeth Stone of Greensboro and Katherine Allen and Mary Little of Wadesboro spent Monday here with Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson.

Miss Amalia Kuegle, who taught in Graham school last year, spent the latter part of last week here. She will teach in Greensboro the coming year.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Ross and children, who had been visiting Mrs. Ross’ parents, Dr. and Mrs. W.R. Goley, left Monday for their home at Jackson Springs.

Maj. and Mrs. J.J. Henderson, Mrs. John B. Stratford and Misses Mary Catherine Proctor and Cora Emmaline Henderson spent Tuesday evening in Durham.

Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Scott and children, Billy and Bettie, went to Moore’s Spring Monday. Mr. Scott returned Tuesday, but Mrs. Scott and the children will spend a week.

Miss Edith Moore returned Monday from Leaksville, where she visited Miss Frances Walker for several days, and Miss Walker will come Friday to visit Miss Moore for a few days.

Mr. John A. Cooper of Poughkeepsie, N.Y, arrived last Friday morning to be present at a reunion of the family of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Cooper, on Saturday, and left Saturday night.

Mr. Henry E. Murphy and family of Littleton spent from Thursday last week till Monday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Sanford A. Murphy, two miles southeast of Graham. During the time he made The Gleaner a pleasant call.

Mrs. J.C. Simmons and daughter, Mrs. Junius Powell of Warsaw, and son, Bansford Simmons of Goldsboro arrived here Tuesday on a visit to friends. They are leaving for home today, but Mrs. Simmons will remain a few days visiting Mrs. W.R. Goley.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. V. Pomeroy and little Miss Cornelia spent the latter part of last week here at the home of Mr. Pomeroy’s sister, Mrs. J. Harvey White. Mr. Pomeroy and family have lived in Charlotte for a number of years, but were on their way to Raleigh where they will make their home.

Mr. Lash Covington of Cumberland City, Tenn., is visiting relatives in the county. He was born and reared in the Hawfields community and went to Tennessee 53 years ago. His last visit to Alamance was 27 years ago. He is an uncle of Mrs. Thos. C. Bradshaw of Graham, and has a daughter, Mrs. Jim Stadley, living in Burlington. The family had a little get together Sunday afternoon in Hawfields and on short notice 47 of the kin got together.

Dr. and Mrs. James Calhoun of Suffolk, Va., spent a while here Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. N. Cook. They were recently married and were returning from their honeymoon to Western North Carolina. Mrs. Calhoun was Miss Annie Staley, a daughter of Dr. W.W. Staley of Suffolk, Va.

From page 5 of the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., Aug. 28, 1924

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