
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

House of Prostitutions in Downtown Raleigh, Aug. 6, 1924

Raleigh Girls Jailed; Cash Saved Greek. . . Commercializes Prostitution for Filthy Lucre in Heart of Christian City

One of the most diabolical and dastardly practices ever known to exist was checked a few days ago almost in the heart of Raleigh, where it had been in lucrative operation for some time.

An infamous Greek dive has been in operation on Martin Street near the depot, where American girls were selling their souls for the financial advancement of a Greek. Now the girls are in Wake County jail, penniless and characterless, while the Greek was able to make a substantial bond. The girls were forced to go to jail in default of bond, as they were unable to make a bond in any amount.

It is almost unbelievable that this condition really existed in Raleigh where more people, according to its population, attend church than any other city in the world. Yet it did and has been in operation, according to the girls, for months—certainly as far back as April of this year, when those now in jail first joined the immoral staff of this place of degradation.

The girls state that there was more freedom at this place than any place they had ever been, and when they would enter the cafĂ© it would soon fill up with men and boys, and of course the men and boys would trade with the Greek, and when the girls roomed upstairs all of the rooms would be readily rented by the Greek. They say when they were there the Greek would do a “land office business.” No wonder he could deposit $30,000!

One of the young women is the mother of two children, of the ages of one and four. Think of it! Some effort should be made to save her, if not for herself, for the sake of the children she has brought into the world.

Of course, there is no excuse to offer for this tolerance. It was allowed through shameful neglect and the time for a shake-up in more ways than one has certainly arrived. The fault is just as much with the people as anywhere else. They should not sit idly by and say, “Oh, well, the officers know it and won’t do anything about it, so just let it go on. Every citizen in Raleigh should be up in arms to stop such immorality. Demand officers that will do it. You have that right. There is absolutely no excuse for allowing the fair name of this city to be dragged into the slime and mud just because certain officers are purposely blind to crime.

There are other horrible dives that should be closed. Let’s see what will be done!

From the front page of the Carolina Jeffersonian, Raleigh, N.C., Aug. 6, 1924

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