
Thursday, August 1, 2024

Joe Blackburn, 18, Dies Unexpectedly After He Was Rescued from Drowning, Aug. 1, 1924

Young Man Drowned at Lakeview

It is invariably the rule at all recreation resorts where there is bathing and swimming that some boy or girl drowns. Lakeview had its first drowning episode of the season last Thursday afternoon. The victim was Joe Blackburn, 18 years old, of near Hillsboro, N.C.

The Blackburn family had come with a party of friends to spend the day at Lakeview. Joe, with a number of young folks, was bathing and he ventured too far out and being unable to swim he sank under the water. John Davenport of Sanford went to Blackburn’s rescue, but the boy had been under water several minutes before Davenport was able to get him out. Davenport worked over him while waiting for a physician to come and in a short time he regained consciousness and appeared to be coming around all right. A little before 6 o’clock a reaction came and he died. The body was taken to his home near Hillsboro.

This drowning accident should be a lesson to all venturesome boys and girls to take no foolish chances when bathing or swimming.

From the front page of The Sandhill Citizen, Southern Pines, N.C., Friday, August 1, 1924

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