
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

John Walker Arrested for Murder of Henry Harris, Aug. 29, 1924

John Walker Held on Murder Charge. . . Is Alleged to Have Killed Henry Harris, Negro, of Albemarle

Salisbury, Aug. 28—Two bloodhounds belonging to Deputy Sheriff L.D. Brown of Granit Quarry trailed for several miles and caused the arrest of John Edward Walker, negro, who was charged with the killing of Henry Harris, another negro, of Albemarle, last night. The homicide occurred at 10 o’clock, and at 3 this morning the dogs were put on the trail. It is said the dogs never wavered, but kept the circuitous trail until they led the officers to a house nine miles from Albemarle, where the negro was found. He showed fight, but a warning shot from Officer Brown brought him around and he gave himself up. Walker claims self-defense.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Friday, August 29, 1924

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