
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Local News Briefs in The Robesonian, Sept. 1, 1924

Items of Local News

--Miss Cora Tyner left Friday for Brevard, where she will be principal of the Brevard high school.

--The local fire department made a quick run Saturday night at 9:30 to the home of Mr. A.P. Page, Water street, where an oil stove had exploded. By use of chemicals the flames were extinguished before any material damage had been done.

--Regular meeting of the Robeson Chapter U.D.C. in the American Legion hall Thursday afternoon at 4:30.

--The Woman’s Missionary Society of Chestnut Street Methodist Church will meet at the church at 4 p.m. Wednesday.

--License has been issued for the marriage of Miss Lorena Kinlaw and Mr. Duncan Smith; Miss Lizzie Britt and Mr. Clarence Stone.

--Mr. and Mrs. S. McIntyre have returned from Wingate, where they spent a few days. While there they attended a reunion of the family.

--McMillan’s drug store has made a great improvement by installing new and modern equipment in its soda fountain. All syrup, fruit, ice, and ice-cream containers are new and modern.

--The condition of Mr. James G. Smith of R. 5 from Lumberton, who underwent an operation at the Thompson hospital 2 weeks ago for appendicitis, is improving nicely and he expects to return home this week. Mr. D.W. Smith, a son, was here to see him Saturday.

--Miss Josephine Breece and Miss Courtney Sharpe returned last evening from Washington, where the latter visited her aunt, Mrs. M.J. Boucher, for two weeks while Miss Breece visited New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, purchasing fall and winter stock for her millinery store.

--A picnic will be given by the American Legion Auxiliary tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 5 o’clock at the Goat club. Members are asked to meet at the city hall a little before 5, where cars will be provided to carry them to the Goat club. An enjoyable afternoon is anticipated. Every member of the auxiliary is invited.

--Mr. Elmer McNeill went into the life-saving business Thursday afternoon at Tak-A-Dip beach for a few minutes, rescuing a Miss Shannon of Charlotte and Mr. Henry Lee. Mr. Lee was in the act of rescuing Miss Shannon, who had gotten too far from shore, but he was practically exhausted when Mr. McNeill jumped in for them.

--Arrangements are being made by a committee composed of members of local civic organizations for a big patriotic demonstration here September 12th, which has been set apart by Congress as National Defense Test day. A detachment of soldiers from Fort Bragg will be present, and will assist the local unit of the N.C.N.G. in carrying out the program, which will be published in Thursday’s Robesonian.

--Miss Elizabeth Proctor and Miss Caro McNeill of Lumberton are among the large number of visitors at the Georgle Vanderbilt hotel. Misses Proctor and McNeill, who spent several weeks at a girls’ camp near Asheville, returned home last week with the former’s father, Mr. Jas. D. Proctor, who went to Asheville to be with Mrs. Proctor, who is recuperating at a hospital there.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Monday Sept. 1, 1924

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