
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Louis Alexander New Keeper of Cemetery, Aug. 8, 1924

Goes to the Dead to Select a Policeman. . . Keeper of the Graveyard is New Night Officer Selected by Chief Gregory

The solitary life of a cemetery keeper fits a man admirably for the Elizabeth City police force, according to Chief of Police Charles A. Gregory, who has selected Louis Alexander to fill the place of A.H. Davenport, resigned. Mr. Alexander was formerly keeper of Hollywood Cemetery and his lonely life probably has developed him into a less valuable man that Officer Tarkington who was dropped from the force, after he is alleged to have said “the bootleggers of Elizabeth City had police protection.”

Mr. Alexander is expected to be able to lend considerable aid in apprehending moral offenders of the city, for as keeper of the cemetery, he should have a wide knowledge of the people who have used the cemetery weeks for spooning places. Tiring of a job for which the city allows only a meagre $80 a month, he was ready to take the better offer of $120 on the police force.

Davenport has gone with the Richmond Cedar Works at Gum Neck.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, August 8, 1924

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