
Monday, August 19, 2024

Miss Oliver to be School's Nutrition Expert, Nurse, Social Worker and Attendance Officer, Aug. 19, 1924

Miss Oliver Will Fill Her Position. . . New Position in Edgemont School to be Filled by Competent Woman

Miss Mary Oliver will become a member of the Edgemont graded school faculty with the opening on Wednesday, September 3. For a time it appeared that she would be unable to accept the position because of several reasons, but after holding a conference with Superintendent Frank M. Martin, she has definitely stated that she will report for work on schedule time, it was announced yesterday.

Miss Oliver’s duties will cover a wide range of things, including nutrition expert, school attendance officer, visiting nurse, social worker, and other duties, and will take in only the Edgemont school and the section served by it. She is well qualified for the position because of her work in the schools in connection with the health department.

The new position created by the city school board some time ago will be in a nature of an experiment and one which Superintendent Martin believes will mean much to the school and to the progress made by the children. He is of the opinion that the new position will be justified from a financial viewpoint from the increase in attendance at school which should follow her work. When Mr. Martin received a letter from Miss Oliver requesting that she be released from her contract, he was in a dilemma. He was extremely anxious to put on the experiment but was at a loss to know where he could find a successor to Miss Oliver who had the qualifications which he believed she possessed. But definitely acting on the request Mr. Martin secured a conference with Miss Oliver with the happy result named—her decision to take up the work.

From page 9 of the Durham Morning Herald, Tuesday, Aug. 19, 1924

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