
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Mrs. McHargue, Recovering from Gunshot Wound, Gives Birth to Son, Aug. 7, 1924

Statesville Man Shoots Wife; Took Her for a Burglar

Statesville, Aug. 4—Mistaking his wife for a burglar, at his home on Meeting street Saturday night, B.F. McHargue shot his wife, emptying the contents of his 12-gauge shotgun into her left arm near the shoulder. The bone was cut in two, a large artery was severed, and Mrs. McHargue suffered a frightful loss of blood before she could be given medical and surgical attention.

The accident occurred after the family had retired for the night Mrs. McHargue, who had been ill, was unable to go to sleep, and hearing some noises around the house, imagining that a burglar was trying to force an entrance, aroused her husband who was asleep. While Mr. McHargue was making a search of the premises, Mrs. McHargue got up and went to the dining room, which joined the sleeping apartment; when the husband, reaching the dining room in his rounds, seeing some one walking around and believing it to be the suspected intruder (taking it for granted that his wife was in the bed room) sprang for his gun over the door, and without waiting for an explanation or saying anything himself fired the gun before he realized the terrible mistake he had made. Both were horrified when they realized what had taken place.

Mr. McHargue is 26 years old and his wife 27. They have two small children. Since the above was written, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. McHargue at the Davis hospital Monday morning. Mother and child are reported doing well.

From page 7 of the Mooresville Enterprise, Thursday, Aug. 7, 1924

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