
Sunday, August 11, 2024

New Hospital Proposed for Moorestown, Aug. 11, 1924

Proposal for a New Mooresville Hospital

Mooresville, Aug. 9—The municipal building was packed to overflowing last night at a citizens’ meeting which was held to discuss plans and present the Lowrance hospital proposal to the public. Ernest H. Miller made a very comprehensive talk and outlines the proposition, followed by C.C. Johnston, who outlines the policy of the board of directors in securing financial aid in the enterprise. Many others prominent in social and financial affairs of the city gave expressions of approval. There is every reason to believe that when the campaign goes on for subscriptions, the hospital will be assured by sufficient financial aid. These speakers were followed by David Ovens, representing the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, who presented the cause of the Made-in-Carolina exposition to be held in Charlotte (in) two weeks, beginning in September. He spoke pleasingly of the various events that will attract thousands to Charlotte at this time, and also referred briefly to the indominable spirit of the exposition founders. Following the evening’s program inside, the entire concourse was served ice cold watermelon on the lawn adjoining the city property.

From the front page of the Concord Times, Monday, Aug. 11, 1924

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