
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Notes About Tryon People and Their Friends, Aug. 21, 1924

Items of Local Interest About Tryon People and Their Friends

Mrs. Banks, who lives on Melrose Circle, is in Spartanburg, S.C., this week the guest of friends. Mrs. G.C. Clark and daughter of Lake City, S.C., are visiting Mrs. Clark’s mother, Mrs. S.E. Watson.

Wm. Stewart, Chief Petty Officer U.S.N., who is in the recruiting service, arrived in Tryon Wednesday and will be in Tryon a week. Mr. Stewart was here in June, and several Polk county lads enlisted for the service.

Mrs. H.P. Tassin of Alexandria, La., and Miss Anna Ellis of New Orleans were guests of Mrs. M.V. Bush.

On Wednesday, August 13th at 4 o’clock, Mrs. James Moore entertained a happy party of little girls in honor of the 12th birthday of her daughter Florence. The afternoon was spent playing games and informal refreshments were served. Seventeen young girls enjoyed Florence’s birthday party, and the out of town guests were Kathleen Brown and Julia Crawley of Greenville and Louise Andrews of Flat Rock.

J.W. Brown is the new Superintendent of the Mill Spring School and Mrs. Brown will act as correspondent for the Polk County News from that point and will give the News readers interesting information concerning that community every week.

Miss Callie Shoford of Asheville has been spending the past week in Tryon with her niece, Mrs. James Lankford.

Meredith and little Mary France Lankford are spending two weeks in Asheville with relatives.

C.S. Green of Columbia, S.C., spent the week end in Tryon with Mrs. Green and son, Clelland.

W.C. Ward of the Southern Mercerizing Company left Sunday for Philadelphia and New York to spend a week or 10 days, looking after business matters.

Mrs. W.C. Ward motored to Spartanburg Sunday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. W.E. Walters.

Miss Elizabeth Kinloch, who has been visiting relatives in Spring Lake, N.J., returned home last week.

Mrs. Buckner of Asheville is making an indefinite visit in Tryon with her mother, Mrs. P.G. Morris.

Little Edna Walters of Spartanburg is in Tryon this week visiting her cousin Alene Ward.

Rev. Burnett, Rector of the Tryon Episcopal Church, has returned home after a two weeks vacation spent in New York and other points.

Owing to an unprecedented rush of work at The News job plant, work on the local Telephone Directory has been held up, but is now going forward rapidly. In addition to the printing force, job department will assure prompt delivery of work in the future.

A number of young people enjoyed a moonlight picnic on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Jackson last Friday evening. Guests were Misses Katie Wingo, Gertrude Sayre, Vera Boman, Clemmie Hammett, Myrtle Pace, Edna Jones, Grace Holbert, Hattie, Mary Ethel, Lea, Nelle Jane, and Alva Jackson, Messrs. W.T. and Bryson Hammett, William Sayre, Robert Foster, Frank, Ray, and Cager Jackson, Archie Feagan, Lewis Poteat, Carland Ramsey, Joseph Daniel, and Mr. Roe.

Z.B. Waters, who has a splendid farm and orchard on Melrose Mountain, was marketing some delicious plums in Tryon Saturday. Mr. Waters is one of the pioneers of this section, having resided here when the site of Tryon was in the wilderness. He cut cord wood for the Southern Railway when that road was beginning to push its way over the mountains, and used wood for engine fuel. In those early days Mr. Waters was offered the tract of land whereon stands stately Oak Hall, for 12 ½ cents an acre. Great are the changes that have wrought since that time, and greater still are those that are on the way and which will come to Tryon in the next decade.

Miss Edna Jones entertained a number of friends at the home of her sister, Mrs. T.A. Rippy last Saturday evening. The hours were passed in a pleasant informal manner and cooling refreshments were served.

S.W. Halliburton of Marion is announcing the sale of his farm through the columns of the Polk County News, which goes to show that The News is recognized as a thorough advertising medium by out of town people as well as home folk.

Miss Ella Hanna and daughter, who have been spending the summer with Mrs. Strong, left for their home in Greenville last Saturday.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Thursday, August 21, 1924. “Polk County—The Gateway of Western North Carolina"

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