
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Rare Coins Found in Old Kennon Hotel Cornerstone, Aug. 13, 1924

Rare Coins Found in Old Cornerstone. . . Ancient Pieces of Currency Found by Workmen Engaged in Razing the Old Kennon Hotel Building

Two old coins, a two-cent piece bearing the date of 1864, and a one-cent pieces bearing the date of 182 (?) were yesterday found when the cornerstone of the old Kennon Hotel was broken open by Mr. L.B. Griffin, who has charge of the work of razing the structure.

Back in those days when the Kennon was erected, money was evidently not as plentiful as is now the case and the amount that was deposited in the receptacle in the cornerstone was not sufficient to start anyone in the grocery or clothing business.

Possibly it was the case that some one or two workmen delved down in their jeans and pulled out the two-cent piece and the big copper penny found therein, and deposited them in the stone, or possibly it was some of the standersby who did the donating.

But there the coins were, and Mr. Griffin prizes them rather highly.

From the front page of the Goldston News, Aug. 13, 1924

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