
Friday, August 30, 2024

Two Methodist Churches Robbed Recently, Aug. 31, 1924

Churches Entered and Burglarized. . . Two Methodist Churches Entered Recently and Articles Taken Away

Churches are not immune from robberies, for at least two of the local churches have been desecrated by the entrance of thieves during the recent past. Other churches have been reported entered.

Recently an unknown man entered Branson Methodist church, removing a typewriter which was the property of the pastor, Rev. W.F. Elliott, and approximately $8 from a desk which had been locked. The intruder appeared at the home of the sexton and requested the loan of the keys to the church, stating a desire to inspect the building. They were given to him without question, for since the new church was erected numerous people have inspected it. Upon securing the keys the man went into the church and has not been seen since.

A short time ago Memorial Methodist church was entered and four or five electric fans were stolen, it was stated yesterday from a reliable source.

The police are working upon the cases and hope to bring the thieves to justice.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Aug. 31, 1924

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