
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Weldon Bapist Church to Hold Revival, Aug. 18, 1924

Revival Meeting to Begin Sunday at Baptist Church. . . The Services Will be Held at 8 p.m. Daily. . . There Will be No Day Services

Dr. E.D. Poe, pastor of the Weldon Baptist Church, will begin a revival meeting in his church next Sunday. Mr. James McCravy of South Carolina will arrive next Saturday and will have charge of the music from the first service.

Mr. McCravy is a good soloist as a singer and as a performer on the violin, his violin services always being a high order. It is certain that the people of Weldon have a great treat in store in the coming of this gifted musician to the community. It is expected that the attendance will be will large, as everyone loves good music.

The pastor, Dr. Poe, will do the preaching during the services. Dr. Poe is considered one of the leading pastor-evangelists in the State, and those who hear him may be sure of hearing sound and sane Gospel messages from night to night. He says that every sermon he expected to preach during the 10 days of the revival will bear upon the general theme, “The Christian Life,” some of them being on subjects as “The Door to the Christian Life,” “The Test of the Christian Life,” “The Richness of the Christian Life.”

The services will be held at 8 p.m. daily, there being no day services. All churches are invited to participate in these services, and the public is invited to attend.

From the front page of the Roanoke News, “A Newspaper for the People,” published in Weldon, N.C., Monday, August 18, 1924

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