
Thursday, August 15, 2024

W.F. Thompson Takes Lydia Auman as His Bride, Aug. 15, 1924

Thompson-Auman. . . Marriage of W.F. Thompson of The Pilot Force and Lydia Auman, Tool Place Saturday

Unpretentious in display and a surprise to their friends was the quiet wedding of Mr. William. F. Thompson and Miss Lydia Auman, which event took place Saturday evening at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. Euclid McWorter, in Aberdeen.

Mr. Thompson, or “Bill,” as he is more popularly known here, has been with The Pilot Printing Company since its founding in 1920, and in his capacity as printer, linotype operator and all-round man, has played a significant part in the past growth and development of The Pilot from its infancy on through the stage where in 1923 it was awarded the Savory Cup for the best all-round weekly in North Carolina. “Bill,” in the 3 ½ years of his residence here, has been something more than “just a printer.” The wide circle of friends which he has won and held by his genial nature; the merited confidence which has been placed in him by the business men of the town; the consistent good will which the people as a whole have evidenced toward him in every business and social activity—all go to link the name of Bill Thompson with the finest attributes to be found in the nature of wholly likeable young man.

Although having been in Vass for something less than a year, since September, 1923, when her father, Mr. A. Auman, assumed the managership of Hotel Vass, Miss Auman has during her residence here been identified with many social and religious activities, and has won a wide circle of friends by her friendly nature and charm of personality. She was the re-organizer and the present leader of the Epworth League of the local Methodist Church.

Since their return to Hotel Vass, where they will reside in the future, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have been recipients of many expressions of congratulations and good wishes, tendered by their many friends here, in addition to those from other places.

The front page of the Pilot, Friday, Aug. 15, 1924

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