
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Where Should Country Club Be Situated? Aug. 22, 1924

Nothing Goes Without a Row. . . Country Club Members Divided Over the Question of Location

Like about everything else attempted in Elizabeht City, the proposed Elizabeth City Country Club, starting with a subscription list of 150 charter members and stockholders, is facing a dissension.

There are some among the subscribers who are voicing opposition to the purchase of the proposed club site on the Camden side of the river. The dissenters want the club grounds on the Pasquotank side of the river. Will the club split on the matter of a site is a question now bothering the promoters.

But so far, the original plans of the promoters to locate in Camden seems to have the approval of a majority of the stockholders. The most favored site available in Pasquotank is the W.A. Worth farm on the Weeksville road. The tract consists of almost 100 acres of flat land valued at $25,000. The Camden site of 200 acres on Pasquotank River and Arnenettse Creek will cost only $12,500.

The Camden site not only provides ample room for an 18-hole golf course and club house, but has room to spare for a gun club, park, tennis courts and shore sites for 50 or more cottages.

The inaccessibility of the Camden site is an argument against it; but offsetting this argument is the opinion of golf experts that the Camden property is ideal for the construction of a championship golf course. The land is sandy, porous, naturally drained and it has all the natural hazards essential to a championship course. It would cost many thousands of dollars to construct these hazards artificially on any other site available for the club.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, August 22, 1924

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